SD57 website:
2015 Winter Games website:
That district staff make improvements to the design, function, and usefulness of the district website in keeping with other dynamic district websites in BC and in time for the 2015 Winter Games.
We want a website we can be proud of.
Employees, partner groups, and fellow trustees have let the board know that the district website is in need of changes. The website will see increased traffic at the beginning of 2015 as our city and region comes under national focus. At the same time many of our facilities will be used by the Games and effective web communication is essential.
Many website improvements have been discussed over the last two years but not realized; placing a one-year deadline encourages staff to set goals for implementing proposed changes. Improvements have been mentioned in past budget planning, so there should not be any new costs associated with this motion.
A new committee working on school projects tied to the 2015 Winter Games needs a place to showcase their work. This is one of many opportunities an improved district website could address.
Other school district websites in BC have achieved high standards for appearance, interactivity, and purposefulness. They include examples of student learning and artwork, staff biographies, district and related community events, links to a variety of staff blogs, up-to-date news and media items, feedback forums, integration of professional development, video clips from leaders, twitter feeds, tutorials, interactive maps, clear communication about strategic planning, positive messages about the community, and so on.
Senior Staff can work out the details on the timeline, who should be consulted, what elements are needed, whether or not new software is needed, etc. Some of this planning work has already been done.
Two additional suggestions:
1. District staff or senior administration should report back to the board by April 2014 with a plan for the website and by September 2014 with progress-to-date. If work has already begun, this could happen sooner.
2. Please seek partner group input on what is needed in a district website. An employee survey is a good way to get this input.