Saturday, 12 November 2011

Talking Points

Here were the notes I had in front of me at the PG all-candidates meeting... I don't think I got around to many of them...
  • mother, 41, married to a teacher, my kids are here, I’m locked in for 13 years or more
  • I’ve got a lot of hope for what will happen to them, for what we can do as trustees, and a lot of frustration over what has happened over the last few years
  • participated in the 2010 process, saw trustees forced into a corner where it seemed like they had to follow the path of least resistance
  • more with less report - we wrote this because the District Sustainability Committee’s big plan was to close schools first and look for other savings later
  • just when we thought french immersion was stable the board pulls out an end to sibling priority that caused parents another 5 months of pain
  • other parent groups has similar frustration - rural schools, the traditional school, crowding at Heather Park and Glenview, Malaspina, courtesy bussing issues, the list is almost endless and goes back to the brutal process used in 2010
  • teachers have ongoing frustrations over technology and classroom composition, and uncertainty about how our board will interpret the gov’t agenda once the job action is over
  • I’ll ask tough questions, I’ve been involved in past debates, I love to debate and pursue fairness
  • tired of double-speak, message management
  • I’m not doing this to add to my resume or because I want to be a politician
  • some of my big issues include safer schools, rural school support like getting MAC1 open again, protecting elective programs, stopping the diversion of special ed funding, getting the board office to wake up on technology issues, improving the plans in our district for learning, facilities, and greening up our schools
  • I really look forward to working with you and the new trustees and thank you for this opportunity.
  • I don’t want to sit and grumble in the playground, I want to pursue fairness for everyone in the district, bring more fairness to board policy
  • Jack Layton talked about the need to build a new community on higher ground, I think we need a new more open approach to solving problems in the school district

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